Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to read the FAQs to find what you are looking for.

For Students

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I answered all of the questions and submitted , but there is no score appearing.

Open-ended questions typically take up to 2 hours to be scored, as they are reviewed by human evaluators. Multiple-choice questions are scored automatically by the database. If your open-ended questions have not been scored within 2 hours, please send a My Message to the tutor group or email support for assistance.

When I come across a question in the middle of my lesson, there is no button that I can click to submit the question for scoring.

Questions in the middle of the lesson are formative questions to help the student learn the material. The inputs are stored in the database but they are not scored.

When I try to reset my lesson, the reset button is grayed out.

You have not been given permission to reset your own lessons. If the students are supposed to reset their own lessons, the teacher should email to make the change.

When I click on the video link in my lesson, I can get to where the video is supposed to play, but when I start the video, the sound and the video are not in sync.

This is a common problem with video streaming. Hit pause, wait a few seconds, then restart the video stream. Audio and video should be back in sync.

When I finish all the Lessons in a course, no final test or course post test appears.

The course has not been set up for a final test or course post test. If one is required, email and request a final for that student or class.

When I want to start a new course, no Pretest appears.

It depends on the program type. Either there is no pretest for the course, or a pretest has not been requested. If one is required, email and request a pretest for that student.

For Educators

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Getting Started

Get to know the basics inside and out.

How to Get Support

·  Send an email to

·  Send a message, using My Messages

· Call 214-249-0555

For Parents

Get to know the basics inside and out.

What is the parent’s role as learning coach?

The less independent the student, the more involved the learning coach is. You are the facilitator, not the teacher. You are the liaison between the student and teacher. As high school students become more independent and start to build a rapport with teachers, they will call on them when they need additional help. As a learning coach, you'll be more involved than ever in your child's education no matter their grade level. You'll communicate with teachers on a regular basis, review attendance and review the grade book. Expect to get both text and email communication as well as calls from teachers.

Does the pretest score count against my student?

No, it determines reading level and delivers work according to each student’s individual reading level. Grade Results uses adaptive testing and determines course materials based on personalized learning levels. If students require any modifications, you can contact the curriculum team, and they can make individual student modifications for your student.

What if the student is ill or the family is on vacation?

If the student is ill and unable to perform school work, please let us know the reason for the student’s absence by sending an email or doctor’s note to Planned family vacations should be taken to coincide with school vacations. If a vacation is unplanned, due to family emergency, please send an email to