Creating and Enrolling a New Student

Creating and Enrolling a New Student

The "Manage Students" feature allows you to add/manage student accounts to the interface.

To add a user account to the interface, click on the "+ Add --> Add Student" icon at the top left of the page. Clicking on the add icon brings up the following pop up:

You will key-in the following details:

  1. Login Information: (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Student ID/Number, Username, and Password)
  2. Academic: (Select School, Grade and Start/End date for the program. Pacing will be generated automatically according to this start and end date)
  3. Demographic Data
  4. Address and Contact Information
  5. Parent Login and Contact Information
    • Parent login will be generated AUTOMATICALLY when the student account is created. Please make sure the first name and last name of the parent. The default parent login information as follows:
    • Username: <student username>-parent
    • Password: <student username>
    • Note: Make sure the "Activate" box is checked.
  6. Accommodations
  7. Student Portfolio
  8. Course(s) and Activities

A student's Activities are according to the school settings/contract. By default, all the activities will be enabled from the school settings.

In addition to these features, teachers can also turn on/off course pretests, Lessons and live instruction for each course the student is registered in.

Some students take both Credit Accrual and Credit Recovery Courses. For a Credit Accrual course, the student needs to take all the lessons, and so the pretest feature may be turned off or "ALL LESSONS" should be checked. For a Credit Recovery course, the student needs to take a pretest, and so the pretest feature will be turned on. This feature will come in handy if a student registers for both Credit Accrual and Credit Recovery courses.

Each of them is described below:

  • Course Pretest: Enabling this feature allows the student to take a pretest(s).
  • Lesson: The students will have access to Lessons if this feature is enabled.
  • Unit test: The students will have access to Unit test if this feature is enabled.
  • Lesson Forum: This feature allows the student to use the forum.
  • Session: The student uses this feature to connect with live instructors.
  • Course Posttest: Enabling this feature allows the student to take a posttest(s).
  • Practice Test / Benchmark Test: The student can take assessments when this feature is enabled.
  • Submissions/Projects: This feature allows the student to use the "My Submission" feature of the interface.

While creating a student account, you can enable/disable the above features depending on the district/school requirements. In addition to this, you can do the following to complete the student account creation process:

After completing the process, click on the "Add Student" button to add the student account to the interface.

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